Ack's FAQ

Your Internet roadmap to find answers to your Suzuki 4x4 Maintenence and Modding questions

Ack's FAQ is an custom-built search engine. It directs you to Suzuki websites, forum sites and media pages all over the Internet that have the answers to your Zukin' questions.

Unlike regular search engines, all you get is Suzuki-related manuals, modding, maintenance and historical information. No anime, J-pop, katanas, kimonos or violin lessons. How cool is that?

To start your search, just click on Search in the main menu above

If you are using a phone or tablet, click on the three-bar icon in the upper-right of the screen.

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New STUFF in the FAQ...

More vendor help videos!

Instead of searching through Youtube for help videos, try the Ack's FAQ search engine. You can do the regular keyword search OR you can select Videos in the Search Category field to see all of them!

Another, simpler "Clicky Starter" Fix.

Instead of rewiring the starter solenoid circuit, try cleaning out two decades of current-blocking goo in your ignition switch. It's simple with David Bedient's Samurai Ignition Switch rebuild tutorial. Do a search for clicky starter to learn more.

Questions? Comments? Send them to: (NEW EMAIL ADDRESS!)

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